Saturday 28 December 2019

Green tomato chutney

This summer, the tomato plants went agreeably nuts in the garden.  I had many pounds of ripe red ones. These were multi-saladed, of course. Delish.

As the summer chilled down to autumn, there were inevitably loads of green tomatoes left hanging, which I knew wouldn't ripen.

So I made them into this...

This was the state of the tomato plants after an already decent harvest.

I had about 8 pounds (3+ kilos). Here are some of them

These were cleavered prior to boiling down...

...and popped into my big pan...

There is also about three quarters of a largish swede diced and added, but you can't see it here. This gives it crunch.

Then it was spiced with ginger, paprika, garlic powder, a bit of cinnamon and a dash of Angostura bitters...

...and a big wodge of muscavado...

All were boiled to shit for ages, until they 'came a thick dark paste of loveliness. 

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