This is the model for the face of Twitr_janus' puppet head. It will be cast in some sort of modelling material, then recreated as a latex skin. The face will need to be extended into a larger overall skin for the whole of Twitr_janus' head. Most of the rest of the head will be built up later manually over positive moulding (formers). The face is the main focus of people's attention and needs to be moulded to ensure the design is recreated accurately. For the other parts of the head, like the throat and cranium the latex can be rough, as no-one really pays any real scrutiny to these areas

I have been thinking how people might react to different types of head. I had originally wanted to make the head from oak, for an automaton/ creepy old toy look. I had also been looking up various heads for ideas. (see below).
When drawing possible ideas, I found I kept coming back to heads that would look "real". They might look odd, but they all kept coming out as looking like flesh and skin (although they all seemed to have slightly strange heads. I then decided to make the head from latex.

Of my designs, the one I liked the most (top right in the sketch above) was roughed out again in simple lines to get the feel for creating it in 3d (the sketch on the right).
To get a feel for the dimensions, I also made an initial 3d tiny model, in plasticine (below, about 3-4cm tall)

A lump of clay was slapped onto a convenient turntable. This is an old cake-decorating turntable. (The clear acrylic thing on the right with modelling tools on it.)

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