Agreed to make some costumes for pantomime.
Trying to make
several bird heads, starting with a goose. A quick while on Google
images and I found some great goose shots. First thing is to copy out
and draw them a few times. This helps fix the shapes in the brain.
Once the picture is in the head, drew a quick final rough largish sketch to work from.The beak is the most important piece, as it is the defining shape of the
bird head (birds' heads are pretty much all the same shape, except for
the beak)

To create the beak, used some soft builder's mineral insulation. This is
much the same as Oasis, the green stuff used in flower arranging

Started by roughing out the block in outline form
With a carving knife (my trusty 12" ham slicer), sliced out the detail of the beak shape.

Once shaped, a bit of light sanding got rid of the visible cut marks from the knife blade

With final details carved and finished - ta da - one beak, shown against the rough sketch design.