Monday 25 May 2020

Re-thinking the design of a door wedge

We have French doors.

These are great, because you can open up a great space in the wall so that you can see out right into the garden.

Letting the summer in, is as simple as cracking them open and letting them swing out.

However, there are two problems that arise with them.
  • Beacause they can swing freely, if it is even moderately windy they can slam shut, or be wrenched outwards at the extemity of how far the open. This can strain the hinges and frame.
  • The frames are plastic (UPVC), so when hot, the heavy door tends to sag down ever so slightly awhen open. If this happens, when closing them, the bottom edge of the door can catch in the frame.
To solve these problems, I made this wedge.

I am quite pleased with the design of this.

It solves both problems of supporting the weight of the door and stopping it moving, and is very easy to pop into position and use.

Obviously, the wedge is a pretty handy thing that has been around for ever, but they can be fiddly to put in place and the force of a heavy door swinging in the wind can dislodge them.

By adding a simple box case to the wedge, all the effort of getting the wedge positioned and locked in place is made a whole lot easier.

The box matches the door frame. You line it up and simple slide it under.

As simple as that.

These things are heavy and catch the wind like a sail...

But the broad base of the box wedge is easy to position to the door edge.

It means you can move it about with your foot easily...

And pop it in place with a gentle kick...

The door is held firmly so you don't have to worry any more about rogue slamming etc.

The box shape snugly fits the door frame. The wedge supports the main frame securely and the recess allows the outer bezel to move in with out catching. Having high sides holds the door securely and spreads the force over a wide area to reduce tension at any one point...

And taking it out is just as easy, with a kick of the foot.

Out you pop...

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